Signs III.

God’s signs are both guide and warning. Heed His warnings! Time and time again He has allowed the corrupt to destroy themselves. He shall do so in the future. God did not place us on the Earth blind to right and wrong, blind to the truth nor blind to the straight path. The straight path... Continue Reading →

The Soul II

...And God created many souls. And each soul sent its mind and body into the universe to learn of God's creation. And the minds and the bodies traveled far, and the souls learned much. But over time, some minds forgot their souls. They lost their way, for the universe was impure and held much distraction.... Continue Reading →

Coffee and My Spiritual Journey.

I loved coffee. I was what we call in Melbourne a ‘coffee snob’. I began drinking coffee in my teens. I started on instant coffee: first Nescafe and then Moccona. Once I turned eighteen, my taste developed and I began drinking percolated coffee. A ritual of passage as it were. For many years I drank... Continue Reading →

Why is Purpose Important?

Purpose is essential to life as it gives meaning and direction to the thoughts of the mind and the actions of the body. The purpose of the mind and the body is to learn and grow stronger. The mind and the body strengthen themselves by acting virtuously. To learn, to strengthen, and to seek virtue,... Continue Reading →

What is Purpose?

Purpose is the reason for living. It gives meaning to life and directs the thoughts and actions of the mind and the body. Without purpose, the mind and the body lose vitality. They flounder and lose their way. The purpose of the mind and the body is to learn. To learn is to understand more... Continue Reading →

Mahatma Gandhi and the Straight Path

I began studying Mahatma Gandhi’s life after seeing the 1982 film 'Gandhi', directed by Richard Attenborough. Gandhi  had a keen sense of right and wrong, an understanding of virtue and vice. His determination to improve the lives of his fellow Indians, resist prejudice and oppression, which first began in South Africa under Apartheid and then... Continue Reading →

Mencius and the Straight Path

As I continued studying religion and philosophy, I discovered this passage written by the Confucian philosopher Mencius (371-289 c. BCE). Humanity is the peaceful abode of men and righteousness is his straight path. What a pity for those who leave the peaceful abode and do not live there, and abandon the straight path and do... Continue Reading →

The Buddha and the Straight Path

After reading the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Quran, I began studying other religions and philosophies to better understand how to walk the straight path. Reading the Buddha's, The Dhammapada, I found the following passage. Arise! Watch. Walk on the right path. He who follows the right path has joy in this world... Continue Reading →

The Quran and the Straight Path

The Quran contains numerous references to the straight path. The following passage was of particular interest: Such is the path of your Lord: a straight path. We have made plain Our revelations to thinking men. They shall dwell in peace with their Lord. He will give them His protection as recompense for what they do.... Continue Reading →

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