Purpose IV.

Yet those who have lost their purpose should not despair. They shall find it again, for the straight path is only ever a step ahead. Doubts and apathy may block the ears of the mind, but the soul is eternal and so is its purpose. The Straight Path: A Religious Guide to Finding and Fulfilling... Continue Reading →

Purpose III

Pity those who reject their purpose. They have lost their dream. They stumble forward in the dark, deaf to the entreaties of their soul. And because they cannot hear their soul, they lack an understanding of truth. Without an understanding of truth, of right and wrong, they are easily swayed by the wishes of others... Continue Reading →

Purpose II

When purpose is achieved, the length of a life becomes meaningless because the soul, the mind and the body are fulfilled.   The Straight Path: A Religious Guide to Finding and Fulfilling One's Purpose, p. 4

Purpose I

God gave to each soul a purpose. This purpose is to walk the straight path. Blessed are those who accept their purpose. For purpose endows the mind with strength. It feeds determination and acts as a support for the will when the will falters. It is a barrier against fear when fear tempts the mind... Continue Reading →

The Benefits of Purpose.

The benefits of purpose are many. The following passage from The Straight Path highlights some of these benefits: Blessed are those who accept their purpose. For purpose endows the mind with strength. It feeds determination and acts as a support for the will when the will falters. It is a barrier against fear when fear... Continue Reading →

Why is Purpose Important?

Purpose is essential to life as it gives meaning and direction to the thoughts of the mind and the actions of the body. The purpose of the mind and the body is to learn and grow stronger. The mind and the body strengthen themselves by acting virtuously. To learn, to strengthen, and to seek virtue,... Continue Reading →

What is Purpose?

Purpose is the reason for living. It gives meaning to life and directs the thoughts and actions of the mind and the body. Without purpose, the mind and the body lose vitality. They flounder and lose their way. The purpose of the mind and the body is to learn. To learn is to understand more... Continue Reading →

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